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What's the story with Kevin Keane Clay? 

Thanks a million for your interest in my work. 

Since I was a small kid, I’ve been passionate about making things with my hands, whether with timber, metal, or any other medium that was available to me.



Clay in particular always held a certain fascination for me. After a number of years working office jobs, I enrolled in a night course in 2022 in a ceramic studio in Dublin, and instantly fell in love.


Now, I make pots full-time, and I count my blessings every day that I have the opportunity to do so.


Right now, I'm based in my grandmother's house in Spanish Point, in West Clare. I'm hoping to set up a more permanent studio in West Clare in the new Year, and base myself here for the long-term. 


If you'd like to follow along with the creation of the studio, and for an insight in to the pieces I'm working on, follow me on Instagram!



Thanks again, 



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Kevin Keane

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